The mentors at BE work to enable you to fulfill your individual potential. The shape of your potential may look different from another student’s potential based on a variety of factors (i.e. previous level & quality of exposure to the arts; current training regimen; level of personal interest & investment in the arts; personal objectives; & body characteristics). BE will inspire you to strive to maximize your potential as an end in & of itself & not as an end to satisfying the inflexible, unforgiving standards of coaches & society as a whole.
Sculpt Your Mind & Your Body. . . At BE, we aim to transcend “bounded” ways of thinking about movement & expression, & the execution thereof. We accomplish this through creative experimentation & freedom-enhancing training exercises, student input, & mentor feedback. At BE, you will enjoy an arts educational experience that will allow for overall adaptability & malleability, which will be prerequisites for adjusting to an ever-changing, uncertain future. BE firmly believes that you have the innate capacity to experience change & tremendous growth. Your ability to challenge yourself to conceive of movement differently & then to allow yourself to embody that image is liberating. Your ability to think of conveying language & characterization differently & then giving voice to such character is transcendent.
Why Wait? Be Part of the Movement. . .